Thursday, September 16, 2010

I just called...

Many years ago before technology was so advanced we had the greatest invention which was pen and paper. We wrote people to tell them how much we love and miss them. It took weeks to receive the message and send it back. Then after that invention came the phone. We would make a phone call to tell people how we were. Now our generation we can do it all. We can text, phone, and talk on a camera to people.
It seems people love to text more than ever. It's personal but not. You can be more free with writing your feelings and expressing more than phone calling people and telling them how you feel. People are straying away from phoning loved ones.
Statistics are showing that people text the most out of any form of communication. It's fast, convenient, and on the go. You don't have to worry about taking the time to talk on the phone. You don't have the time. Too busy, too much on your mind, and work needs to be done. Piling up.
Time goes by and waiting for the phone to ring. You get texts after texts. At least you know all is well. All forms of communications are great. We love to communicate with loved ones and it brings us close. 
Being born in the 80's made me cherish a phone call. I always called family and friends. I loved to hear their voice and having a great laugh. It really made my day even when things were not going well.
The next time you are ready to pull out your cell phone make a phone call instead. It would make a world of difference.

Listen, watch, and enjoy~

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